Practical Stuff
Practical Stuff
The Church Buildings
The Church Buildings
The Church Buildings
Church Stewardship
We receive almost no external funding, so all of your gifts - no matter how large or small - are vital in helping the work of God to flourish in our parish.
100% of our money supports mission. We give a proportion to support churches and outreach projects through our Parish Share. Some of our income is set aside for helping others in our community, and our mission partners abroad. We also need to pay for our general running costs, such as heating, lighting, and other bills.
Please consider regular or one-off donation to help us with this work.
To make a one-off donation ...
If you are a taxpayer, Gift Aid will increase the value of any gift by 25%, so please provide the additional information where requested.
Regular giving ...
Many of our congregation make a regular gift, and this is a big help in planning our budget
To set up regular giving please contact our Planned Giving Officer by clicking here