Practical Stuff
Practical Stuff
The Church Buildings
The Church Buildings
The Church Buildings
The choir sings at the Eucharist services on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, plus at festivals and occasions. We are a group of about twenty singers of mixed age and ability, who share a love of singing. We sing in 4 part harmony. New enquiries are always welcome.

Christ Church Organ is modest in size, with 455 Pipes, two Manuals (Keyboards) and Pedal Manual. It has a similarity to cinema organs. In organs many of the pipes have stopped ends which produces a sound an octave down. Then an 8 foot bass pipe produces a low bass sound. The displayed organ case has several 8 foot pipes. The smallest pipe has a speaking length of less than an inch, and is so high-pitched that many people cannot hear its sound.
The organ was augmented to its current size from 1982 to 1985. Before the organ augmentation, the organ pipes were in the alcove off the chancel where the present organ console is now situated. There was much discussion on the location of the console which was tried out by the north door and then in the chancel, and then in the chancel alcove.
Below are pieces played by Derek Canfield on the church organ.

Music Group
The Christ Church Music Group was founded over 30 years ago and provides musical accompaniment for our informal and family services. Primarily an acoustic group, its current line-up includes flutes, oboe, violin, keyboards and acoustic and bass guitars, together with a lead singer.
Regular commitments include playing for the family service on the third Sunday each month, the monthly informal ‘Cake Church’ service and the children’s services at Christmas. Rehearsals generally take place on the day of the service.
We would love to hear of anyone who would like to join us, and all instruments and/or voices will be considered. Please contact Ros Fox here.