Practical Stuff
Practical Stuff
The Church Buildings
The Church Buildings
The Church Buildings
5+5 Readings
5+5 is an encouragement to spend five minutes a day reading the Bible and five minutes praying. Here are a set of 5+5 Bible readings and prayer ideas for this week, a taster for a longer series in November.
Sun 2 Oct: Nehemiah 1.1-11 – ask God to forgive us for the many ways we let him down
Mon 3 Oct: Nehemiah 2.1-8 – ask God to help you to both pray and act
Tue 4 Oct: Nehemiah 2.9-20 – ask God to show you where you can build and repair
Wed 5 Oct: Nehemiah 4.7-23 – ask God to strengthen all who suffer opposition
Thu 6 Oct: Nehemiah 5.1-13 – ask God to help you stand against oppression and injustice
Fri 7 Oct: Nehemiah 8.1-12 – ask God to help us hear and obey him as we read the Bible
Sat 8 Oct: Nehemiah 12.27-43 – thank God that he blesses and supports our efforts
Face to Faith
Tuesday 19th March, 7.30pm
in the Vestry Hall

All are warmly invited to Face to Faith on Tuesday 19th March at 7:30 pm in the Vestry Hall. Face to Faith includes a look at the Bible and an opportunity to encourage each other in our faith. Our current theme is “Good news for Lent”; this week we will look at our response to the good news. Please contact Mike Gibbons on 07968 020 478 for more information.
Cake Sale
10am-1pm Saturday 10th Sept
If you can donate cakes, gifts for the tombola or your time to help, please contact the office.

Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 18th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
Children and Families worker
The Parishes of Fleet and Crookham are jointly looking to appoint a Worker to engage with young families with children.
The successful applicant should have had some experience and will be prepared to train in this role, will have good interpersonal skills, and will want to see the kingdom of God furthered by Church growth among young families.
Closing date for applications is the 30th of September.
Contact for the full job description and details.
5+5 Readings
5+5 is an encouragement to spend five minutes reading a short Bible passage and five minutes praying. This week's readings and topics look at the climax of Luke’s gospel, Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Sun 4 Aug: Luke 20.1-19 – thank God for Jesus’ authority
Mon 5 Aug: Luke 21.5-19 – ask God for peace in turbulent times
Tue 6 Aug: Luke 22.7-30 – thank God he shares himself with us
Wed 7 Aug: Luke 22.47-62 – ask God for help when tested
Thu 8 Aug: Luke 23.26-49 – thank God for Jesus’ sacrifice
Fri 9 Aug: Luke 23.50-24.12 – thank God for the resurrection
Sat 10 Aug: Luke 24.13-35 – thank God that he is close to us
Enrolling on the Electoral Roll

If you are not currently on the Christ Church Electoral Roll, but would like to be, application forms are available can be obtained from Judy Roberts (Electoral Roll Officer), the Parish Office and in the Church.
Songs of Praise
31st Oct, 9am Service
Reminder ...
Special 'Songs of Praise' service this Sunday!

Hearing Aid Hub - free
10am-11am Sunday in the Lefroy Room
10th Dec

Provided by NHS trained volunteers.
Re-tubing, ear mould cleaning and battery replacement.
For NHS supplied hearing aids only.
Christ Church Crookham vacancy video
Church Warden election and APCM
7pm Sunday 24th April
Meeting for the election of Church Wardens
Those entitled to vote are:
People on the church electoral roll of the parish
People resident in the parish whose names are entered on the local government electors
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Entitled to attend are:
Those whose names are on the Electoral Roll
Member of the clergy licensed to the parish
Forms & information (click the button):
Notice of APCM
Nomination form for Church Warden
Nomination form for election to the PCC
Application form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll
APCM report covering 2021 now available
Information and documents are also available in church (main noticeboard)

Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 14th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
Do you find is hard to decide which service to come to on a Sunday?
Wondering what the 11am family-friendly service is like?
We will be live streaming the 11am service this Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost.
Why not take a look and enjoy a slightly different style of service!
"Baby Bells"
New and Future Parent Coffee Morning
Offering support and a safe space to ask questions

For more information click the button or contact Sarah at littlebells
No need to book, just come along (main church)
Weekly on Thursdays 11am to 12.30pm
Night Prayer
Tues 8th Feb, 8pm
Quiet, reflective service with a periuod of silence. All welcome.

FACCTS School Worker vacancy
Fleet & Crookham Churches Together in Schools have a job vacancy for a schools worker. For more information click here.
Church Warden election and APCM
7pm Sunday 24th April
Meeting for the election of Church Wardens
Those entitled to vote are:
People on the church electoral roll of the parish
People resident in the parish whose names are entered on the local government electors
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Entitled to attend are:
Those whose names are on the Electoral Roll
Member of the clergy licensed to the parish
Forms & information (click the button):
Notice of APCM
Nomination form for Church Warden
Nomination form for election to the PCC
Application form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll
APCM report covering 2021 now available
Information and documents are also available in church (main noticeboard)

'Cake' Church
Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 4.30pm
Informal worship for all the family, including songs, crafts and cake!

Evening Prayer
Every Wednesday at 4pm
Common Worship Evening prayer
Night Prayer
2nd Wednesday of the month at 8pm
JAM (Jesus And Me)
Every Sunday 11am Service
For young people during the 11am Service.

Face to Faith
Tuesday 19th March, 7.30pm
in the Vestry Hall

All are warmly invited to Face to Faith on Tuesday 19th March at 7:30 pm in the Vestry Hall. Face to Faith includes a look at the Bible and an opportunity to encourage each other in our faith. Our current theme is “Good news for Lent”; this week we will look at our response to the good news. Please contact Mike Gibbons on 07968 020 478 for more information.
Cake Sale
10am-1pm Saturday 10th Sept
If you can donate cakes, gifts for the tombola or your time to help, please contact the office.

Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 20th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
Enrolling on the Electoral Roll

If you are not currently on the Christ Church Electoral Roll, but would like to be, application forms are available can be obtained from Judy Roberts (Electoral Roll Officer), the Parish Office and in the Church.
Children and Families worker
The Parishes of Fleet and Crookham are jointly looking to appoint a Worker to engage with young families with children.
The successful applicant should have had some experience and will be prepared to train in this role, will have good interpersonal skills, and will want to see the kingdom of God furthered by Church growth among young families.
Closing date for applications is the 30th of September.
Contact for the full job description and details.
Christ Church Pre-school
Early Years Practitioner Vacancy
Songs of Praise
31st Oct, 9am Service
Reminder ...
Special 'Songs of Praise' service this Sunday!

Hart Foodbank
24th October
Hart Food bank continue to need our support.
They currently request donations of rice, pasta sauces, preserves, sponge puddings, custard, savory extras eg. crisps and sweet treats eg. chocolates.
Thank you.

Get Involved!
Please send your photos for our online Advent Calendar to webmaster
They should be autumn/winter photos of our local area; ones taken during lockdown would be lovely. We don’t promise to use them all as we’ll be matching them to an appropriate set of words, so the bigger the choice, the better.
Ones that fit the themes of darkness and light would be particularly welcome. We may need to crop photos to fit the required size.

Parish Office
The 'virtual' office is open Mon-Fri, 10am to 1pm

Coffee & Chat
10-11.30am Thurs 16th Dec

Coffee, tea and convivial conversation will be available in the Lefroy Room. No age limit, everyone is welcome. Please bring your own cup!
The Great Christ Church Crookham Bake-Off
2pm Sat 5th Feb
Please bake any cake you wish with any ingredient. The judging will be done in a democratic way.
Click here for details and entry form.

Prayer Calendar - Help needed!
We would like to increase the library of photos we use to accompany the Prayer Calendar. We would be happy to use pictures of the parish from any of the seven areas on the map, and also pictures for any of the general topics (list of topics available here). When submitting photos to the Webmaster, please make sure you have permission for it to be used. All photographs will be credited.

Do you find is hard to decide which service to come to on a Sunday?
Wondering what the 11am family-friendly service is like?
We will be live streaming the 11am service this Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost.
Why not take a look and enjoy a slightly different style of service!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
7pm Sunday 2nd May

Our APCM will be in the evening of the 2nd May. Attendance will be predominately by Zoom with some spaces in church for those without internet access.
Zoom details and APCM documents will be sent by email.
The documents are:
Minutes of the APCM held on the 15th Sept 2020​
APCM reports for 2021
Church Warden election and APCM
7pm Sunday 24th April
Meeting for the election of Church Wardens
Those entitled to vote are:
People on the church electoral roll of the parish
People resident in the parish whose names are entered on the local government electors
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Entitled to attend are:
Those whose names are on the Electoral Roll
Member of the clergy licensed to the parish
Forms & information (click the button):
Notice of APCM
Nomination form for Church Warden
Nomination form for election to the PCC
Application form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll
APCM report covering 2021 now available
Information and documents are also available in church (main noticeboard)

Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 14th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
See here for an article about trees by Sarah Smith
Hearing Aid Hub - free
10am-11am Sunday in the Lefroy Room
10th Dec

Provided by NHS trained volunteers.
Re-tubing, ear mould cleaning and battery replacement.
For NHS supplied hearing aids only.
Parish Office
The 'virtual' office is open Mon-Fri, 10am to 1pm

Night Prayer
Tues 8th Feb, 8pm
Quiet, reflective service with a periuod of silence. All welcome.

5+5 Readings
5+5 is an encouragement to spend five minutes a day reading the Bible and five minutes praying. Here are a set of 5+5 Bible readings and prayer ideas for this week, a taster for a longer series in November.
Sun 2 Oct: Nehemiah 1.1-11 – ask God to forgive us for the many ways we let him down
Mon 3 Oct: Nehemiah 2.1-8 – ask God to help you to both pray and act
Tue 4 Oct: Nehemiah 2.9-20 – ask God to show you where you can build and repair
Wed 5 Oct: Nehemiah 4.7-23 – ask God to strengthen all who suffer opposition
Thu 6 Oct: Nehemiah 5.1-13 – ask God to help you stand against oppression and injustice
Fri 7 Oct: Nehemiah 8.1-12 – ask God to help us hear and obey him as we read the Bible
Sat 8 Oct: Nehemiah 12.27-43 – thank God that he blesses and supports our efforts
"Baby Bells"
New and Future Parent Coffee Morning
Offering support and a safe space to ask questions

For more information click the button or contact Sarah at littlebells
No need to book, just come along (main church)
Weekly on Thursdays 11am to 12.30pm
FACCTS School Worker vacancy
Fleet & Crookham Churches Together in Schools have a job vacancy for a schools worker. For more information click here.
Website Members Area (top menu)
A 'member', is a rather flexible term but likely to include PCC members, those involved in supporting services, and those in church groups.
Information found here includes: service rotas, committees make-up, church groups contacts, documents, policies. Please contact the webmaster here for the password.
Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 15th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
Church Warden election and APCM
7pm Sunday 24th April
Meeting for the election of Church Wardens
Those entitled to vote are:
People on the church electoral roll of the parish
People resident in the parish whose names are entered on the local government electors
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Entitled to attend are:
Those whose names are on the Electoral Roll
Member of the clergy licensed to the parish
Forms & information (click the button):
Notice of APCM
Nomination form for Church Warden
Nomination form for election to the PCC
Application form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll
APCM report covering 2021 now available
Information and documents are also available in church (main noticeboard)

Pilgrimage of the Word
This is a website that helps folk make journeys of prayer and reflection on the Bible; Mike Gibbons helps maintain the site. There are new posts on making an "inner journey" - go to the site at and click on "Blog".
'Cake' Church
Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 4.30pm
Informal worship for all the family, including songs, crafts and cake!

Evening Prayer
Every Wednesday at 4pm
Common Worship Evening prayer
Night Prayer
2nd Wednesday of the month at 8pm
JAM (Jesus And Me)
Every Sunday 11am Service
For young people during the 11am Service.

Face to Faith
Tuesday 19th March, 7.30pm
in the Vestry Hall

All are warmly invited to Face to Faith on Tuesday 19th March at 7:30 pm in the Vestry Hall. Face to Faith includes a look at the Bible and an opportunity to encourage each other in our faith. Our current theme is “Good news for Lent”; this week we will look at our response to the good news. Please contact Mike Gibbons on 07968 020 478 for more information.
Cake Sale
10am-1pm Saturday 10th Sept
If you can donate cakes, gifts for the tombola or your time to help, please contact the office.

Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 20th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
Enrolling on the Electoral Roll

If you are not currently on the Christ Church Electoral Roll, but would like to be, application forms are available can be obtained from Judy Roberts (Electoral Roll Officer), the Parish Office and in the Church.
Children and Families worker
The Parishes of Fleet and Crookham are jointly looking to appoint a Worker to engage with young families with children.
The successful applicant should have had some experience and will be prepared to train in this role, will have good interpersonal skills, and will want to see the kingdom of God furthered by Church growth among young families.
Closing date for applications is the 30th of September.
Contact for the full job description and details.
Christ Church Pre-school
Early Years Practitioner Vacancy
Songs of Praise
31st Oct, 9am Service
Reminder ...
Special 'Songs of Praise' service this Sunday!

Hart Foodbank
24th October
Hart Food bank continue to need our support.
They currently request donations of rice, pasta sauces, preserves, sponge puddings, custard, savory extras eg. crisps and sweet treats eg. chocolates.
Thank you.

Get Involved!
Please send your photos for our online Advent Calendar to webmaster
They should be autumn/winter photos of our local area; ones taken during lockdown would be lovely. We don’t promise to use them all as we’ll be matching them to an appropriate set of words, so the bigger the choice, the better.
Ones that fit the themes of darkness and light would be particularly welcome. We may need to crop photos to fit the required size.

Parish Office
The 'virtual' office is open Mon-Fri, 10am to 1pm

Coffee & Chat
10-11.30am Thurs 16th Dec

Coffee, tea and convivial conversation will be available in the Lefroy Room. No age limit, everyone is welcome. Please bring your own cup!
The Great Christ Church Crookham Bake-Off
2pm Sat 5th Feb
Please bake any cake you wish with any ingredient. The judging will be done in a democratic way.
Click here for details and entry form.

Prayer Calendar - Help needed!
We would like to increase the library of photos we use to accompany the Prayer Calendar. We would be happy to use pictures of the parish from any of the seven areas on the map, and also pictures for any of the general topics (list of topics available here). When submitting photos to the Webmaster, please make sure you have permission for it to be used. All photographs will be credited.

Do you find is hard to decide which service to come to on a Sunday?
Wondering what the 11am family-friendly service is like?
We will be live streaming the 11am service this Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost.
Why not take a look and enjoy a slightly different style of service!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
7pm Sunday 2nd May

Our APCM will be in the evening of the 2nd May. Attendance will be predominately by Zoom with some spaces in church for those without internet access.
Zoom details and APCM documents will be sent by email.
The documents are:
Minutes of the APCM held on the 15th Sept 2020​
APCM reports for 2021
Church Warden election and APCM
7pm Sunday 24th April
Meeting for the election of Church Wardens
Those entitled to vote are:
People on the church electoral roll of the parish
People resident in the parish whose names are entered on the local government electors
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Entitled to attend are:
Those whose names are on the Electoral Roll
Member of the clergy licensed to the parish
Forms & information (click the button):
Notice of APCM
Nomination form for Church Warden
Nomination form for election to the PCC
Application form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll
APCM report covering 2021 now available
Information and documents are also available in church (main noticeboard)

Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 14th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
See here for an article about trees by Sarah Smith
Hearing Aid Hub - free
10am-11am Sunday in the Lefroy Room
10th Dec

Provided by NHS trained volunteers.
Re-tubing, ear mould cleaning and battery replacement.
For NHS supplied hearing aids only.
Parish Office
The 'virtual' office is open Mon-Fri, 10am to 1pm

Night Prayer
Tues 8th Feb, 8pm
Quiet, reflective service with a periuod of silence. All welcome.

5+5 Readings
5+5 is an encouragement to spend five minutes a day reading the Bible and five minutes praying. Here are a set of 5+5 Bible readings and prayer ideas for this week, a taster for a longer series in November.
Sun 2 Oct: Nehemiah 1.1-11 – ask God to forgive us for the many ways we let him down
Mon 3 Oct: Nehemiah 2.1-8 – ask God to help you to both pray and act
Tue 4 Oct: Nehemiah 2.9-20 – ask God to show you where you can build and repair
Wed 5 Oct: Nehemiah 4.7-23 – ask God to strengthen all who suffer opposition
Thu 6 Oct: Nehemiah 5.1-13 – ask God to help you stand against oppression and injustice
Fri 7 Oct: Nehemiah 8.1-12 – ask God to help us hear and obey him as we read the Bible
Sat 8 Oct: Nehemiah 12.27-43 – thank God that he blesses and supports our efforts
"Baby Bells"
New and Future Parent Coffee Morning
Offering support and a safe space to ask questions

For more information click the button or contact Sarah at littlebells
No need to book, just come along (main church)
Weekly on Thursdays 11am to 12.30pm
FACCTS School Worker vacancy
Fleet & Crookham Churches Together in Schools have a job vacancy for a schools worker. For more information click here.
Website Members Area (top menu)
A 'member', is a rather flexible term but likely to include PCC members, those involved in supporting services, and those in church groups.
Information found here includes: service rotas, committees make-up, church groups contacts, documents, policies. Please contact the webmaster here for the password.
Christmas Greetings in the Parish Magazine
Dec/Jan edition
If you would like your name(s) added to this year’s Greetings page in the December/January magazine, please complete one of the forms available in the church and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Monday 15th November. Or you can submit the information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
A minimum donation of £5.00 is suggested.
Church Warden election and APCM
7pm Sunday 24th April
Meeting for the election of Church Wardens
Those entitled to vote are:
People on the church electoral roll of the parish
People resident in the parish whose names are entered on the local government electors
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Entitled to attend are:
Those whose names are on the Electoral Roll
Member of the clergy licensed to the parish
Forms & information (click the button):
Notice of APCM
Nomination form for Church Warden
Nomination form for election to the PCC
Application form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll
APCM report covering 2021 now available
Information and documents are also available in church (main noticeboard)

Pilgrimage of the Word
This is a website that helps folk make journeys of prayer and reflection on the Bible; Mike Gibbons helps maintain the site. There are new posts on making an "inner journey" - go to the site at and click on "Blog".
'Cake' Church
Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 4.30pm
Informal worship for all the family, including songs, crafts and cake!

Evening Prayer
Every Wednesday at 4pm
Common Worship Evening prayer
Night Prayer
2nd Wednesday of the month at 8pm
JAM (Jesus And Me)
Every Sunday 11am Service
For young people during the 11am Service.